By Austin Thompson and Yunjung Kim
Presented on December 6, 2024, at the 2024 ASHA Convention in Seattle, WA.
Session Description
This study investigates how speakers with and without dysarthria due to Parkinson’s disease (PD) maintain speech modifications during clear speech conditions across 15 trials of phrase readings. We recruited 40 speakers (22 with PD and 18 healthy control [HC]) and 368 listeners, who provided intelligibility ratings for each trial. Perceptual, acoustic, and kinematic measures were examined, revealing differences in speech patterns between HC speakers and those with PD. HC speakers exhibited stability in speech parameters across trials, while PD speakers showed cue-fading effects, characterized by faster articulation rates and smaller articulatory gestures. This cue fading may result from increased speaking effort, suggesting implications for dysarthria management strategies.