Explore our curated database of resources designed to support scientists, patients, and clinicians in the fields of speech science and motor speech disorders.
Dr. Matt Winn of the University of Minnesota's Listen Lab presents informative tutorials for Praat analysis, covering beginner to more advanced-level analysis skills.
The ASHA Evidence Maps are a comprehensive resource designed to help clinicians, researchers, and students find evidence-based information relevant to various topics in speech-language pathology and audiology.
The ASHA Practice Portal is an online resource developed by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) to provide evidence-based guidelines, tools, and resources for speech-language pathologists (SLPs) and audiologists.
In this book, Dr. Daniel Quintana details how Twitter can be a powerful tool for researchers to share their work and interact with other scientists.
“Forced alignment” is the automatic synchronization of a sequence of sounds with an audio file. It is used by researchers to automatically segment audio files.
Self-archiving, also referred to as green open access, is the process of making manuscripts available on a personal or institutional website for free access to those interested.
This e-book focuses on implementing various kinds of regression models widely used in experimental linguistics using R.
Praat is a free computer software program that can be used to analyze, synthesize, and manipulate speech. It is open source, and available free of charge for all major computer platforms (MacOS, Windows, Linux), on both 32-bit and 64-bit operating systems.
This assessment tool provides clinicians with a self-report outcomes measurement of communicative participation in individuals with various communication disorders.
This database created by the National Center for Voice and Speech lists the known speech and voice-related side effects of hundreds of medications.
The Parkinson's Foundation provides a wealth of resources on their website to support people with Parkinson's disease, including educational materials, research updates, and tools for managing the condition.
The Houston Area Parkinson Society (HAPS) offers a wide range of programs, services, and resources to support individuals with Parkinson's disease and their families in managing the condition and improving their quality of life.
This resource was created by graduate students in the Fluency Disorders (COMD 7221) class at the University of Houston. Here, you will find therapy resources for treating stuttering across the lifespan.